Tell Your Story

Find out what Alameda County residents are saying about the proposed Regional Housing Bond.

“This whole concept is GREAT!! It’s been too long in coming. My parents’ mortgage was under $300 for a five-bedroom home. My first studio apartment cost the same as their mortgage per month. My current one-bedroom apartment costs a little under $2000, for which I am grateful, but it’s telling. Everything costs too much. You know you’ll never get ahead unless you leave the state. I don’t want to do that. California holds my roots. The Bay Area is my home.”

– Trish Henry, Alameda

Your story or video here!

– Alameda County Resident

Things to consider when deciding what to share with us:

How has Alameda County’s housing-cost crisis impacted you and your community and how would you like to see it addressed? Let us know by filling out the contact card below and linking to a YouTube video you have uploaded.  

Take the Community Housing Needs Assessment Survey

Submit your story:

By choosing “Yes” when submitting this form, you grant Alameda County Housing & Community Development Department (HCD) consent to use your statement and/or video and grant to HCD the right to copy, reproduce, and use all or a portion of your personal story on HCD websites.

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What city do you live in?
Do you think the regional housing bond is a valid proposal?
Yes, no, or not sure choices
Submit a video testimonial via YouTube (Paste in URL)
I grant permission for my thoughts to be shared on this website.