Find out what Alameda County residents are saying about the proposed Regional Housing Bond.

“This whole concept is GREAT!! It’s been too long in coming. My parents’ mortgage was under $300 for a five-bedroom home. My first studio apartment cost the same as their mortgage per month. My current one-bedroom apartment costs a little under $2000, for which I am grateful, but it’s telling. Everything costs too much. You know you’ll never get ahead unless you leave the state. I don’t want to do that. California holds my roots. The Bay Area is my home.”
– Trish Henry, Alameda
Your story or video here!
– Alameda County Resident
Things to consider when deciding what to share with us:
How has Alameda County’s housing-cost crisis impacted you and your community and how would you like to see it addressed? Let us know by filling out the contact card below and linking to a YouTube video you have uploaded.
Take the Community Housing Needs Assessment Survey
Submit your story:
By choosing “Yes” when submitting this form, you grant Alameda County Housing & Community Development Department (HCD) consent to use your statement and/or video and grant to HCD the right to copy, reproduce, and use all or a portion of your personal story on HCD websites.